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Atari founder launches new virtual reality company

Atari founder Nolan Bushnell has launched a new virtual reality company which is introducing a hands-free, moveable version of the medium that can be used over large areas.

The Los Angeles-based Modal VR has been co-founded by Bushnell and Modal tech developer Jason Crawford. The company touts itself at the high end of the virtual reality market, pitching its products to businesses rather than the consumer.

The new technology uses standing sensors the follow and record movement. Combined with a full-body tracking suit, Modal’s technology offers a wireless platform that works in an area as large as 900,000sq ft (83,600sq m) with a latency of less than 10 milliseconds, offering near perfect visuals for multiplayer action.

“We have been working to bring ambitious mixed reality content to our fans and Modal VR is well beyond the limitations we thought possible,” said Shaun Novak, senior director of production at Machinima – a company using Modal’s technology to develop software. “The wireless portability, full-body tracking and massive play area really allows for compelling experience in and out of the headset. Modal VR has been a great partner in showing the fun of VR.”

The Modal system is currently still in prototype stage, according to Modal, with Beta developers kits shipping soon. The Modal VR tech’s advanced system could well provide competition to market leaders such as the Microsoft Hololens and Oculus Rift, which are aimed at consumers rather than business.

Deloitte predicted in March that 2016 would be the year of virtual reality with its first billion-dollar year, providing new opportunities to businesses that want to create more immersive experiences for consumers. The success of the likes of Pokémon Go has shifted that idea, with AR thought to become the dominant force in the alternate reality market sooner rather than later.

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